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Range Design
Pistol / Rifle Ranges
Clay Targets Ranges
Indoor Airgun Ranges
Outdoor Electronic Targets
Shooting Range Grants & Funding
Kongsberg Live Targets
Contact Us
Shooting Target Gallery
Enjoy a quick tour of some of our most popular products…
Texas Star
Rubber Dummie Gone Spinner
Quick Deploy IPSC
Pistol Rated Portable Indoor Bullet Trap
Koozer Lollipop Dueling Tree - Quick Deploy with 18" Gong
Hostage Reactive Target with 2 Gong Rack Accessory
Walking Coyote Reactive Predator Target
"The Perfect Stand" - Triple Gong Stand
Tactical II Reactive Target with Spinner Gong Combo
Spinner Gong Combo Accessory
Rubber Dummy LE Training Target
Paper Target Bracket - Quick Deploy
Tactical III Reactive Target
Rifle Rated Portable Indoor Bullet Trap
Mini IDPA Silhouette Knock Over Target
Sniper Target with Spinner Gong Combo
Tac III & F-Class Spinner Accessory
Single Paddle Pound-in Target
Super Sniper Target with Spinner Gong Combo
"The Perfect Stand" - Single Gong
Front Facing Coyote Reactive Predator Target
Rubber Dummy LE Training Target - Quick Deploy
Tactical I Target with Gong Rack
Koozer Lollipop Dueling Tree - Quick Deploy
Quick Deploy IPSC
Peekaboo Hostage Target
Pistol Dueling Tree
Paper Target Bracket
Mini IPSC Silhouette Target
Large Hostage "Nicko" Target with Gong Rack
The Original "Mr Target" IPSC Target
Hostage Target with Spinner Gong Combo
The 2 Gong Rack
Tac III & F-Class Gong Accessory
IPSC Flapper Reactive Target
Paper Target Bracket - Quick Deploy
F-Class Reactive Target
Armored Dueling Tree - Rifle Rated
Dual Spinner Target Accessory
"The Perfect Stand" - Double Gong
Rimfire Gong Stand
Koozer Lollipop Dueling Tree
No more changing targets, going down range, or scheduled cease fires. Results are displayed instantly on screen.
Increase safety and enjoyment while saving time and money
shots are recorded instantly and can be viewed on any tablet, pc, or mobile device.
ranges report dramatic improvements to average shooter skill as community involvement increases
take the guess work out of building your new electronic range.
mr target offers complete design and installation services from beginning to end
communicate. compare. compete.
compete with other shooters live, over the internet, without ever leaving your home range
Cycle through shooters and stages with lightning efficiency.
Run your local competitions just like the pros at nationals
No more changing targets, going down range, or scheduled cease fires. Results are displayed instantly on screen.
Increase safety and enjoyment while saving time and money
The premium world-supplier of electronic targets, KTS supplies the biggest and most complex shooting facilities in the world.
shots are recorded instantly and can be viewed on any tablet, pc, or mobile device.
scores improve dramatically as skill development receives a technological boost
take the guess work out of building your new electronic range.
mr target offers complete design and installation services from beginning to end
communicate. compare. compete.
compete with other teams live, over the internet, without ever leaving your home range