KTS Electronic Live-Fire Acoustic Target System


Kongsberg eScore(tm) is a state of the art acoustic target system that is trusted in over 1900+ ranges in 34 countries worldwide.

The microphones “hear” the bullet pass through the target and the shot placement is recorded instantly on the tablet sitting next to you at the firing line. These systems are accurate to nearly 1/10000th of an inch and are trusted by organizations such as the Civilian Marksmanship Program for all of their competitions.

We can design this system to fit in any range. Request a quote today for more information.


Kongsberg Target Systems eScore Electronic Acoustic Targets  the most trusted electronic target systems in the world

Let MR TARGET help you design your new electronic range, and let our experts guide you in exploring federal grant options that fit within your budget.

also available: 

long range wireless sniper kits 

Imagine a plug-and-play electronic system that runs on a battery, has 2 miles of range, and will fit in the bed of your truck. Contact us about your very own KTS Wireless Electronic Live-fire Acoustic Target, aka  the “Electronic Sniper Kit”.  Prices starting at ~$15,000 and up.  GET A QUOTE today.

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